Nisha. D. Shah

NLP Serenity Coach

Hi! I am Nisha Shah,

NLP Self-Love and Self Serenity Coach. I am an author (book name Avchetan Mann ke karamat) and a house wife. I help people in receiving self love and create Self Image.

I'm a Life Coach who can help you shape your prospective towards life into productive yet peaceful one. Whether it's your self-esteem , career, your relationship, mental health and anything that's important to you.

I'll help you develop the habits and skills to effectively deal with the challenges and emotional moments you may encounter in life. I'm here to help you with break through the obstacles that seems to be holding you back in life.

Guidance & Inspiration

Life throws many surprises at us and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my coaching sessions you will learn about self  acceptance and how exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.

Vision - Mission


I envision a world where every human being must aware of self love to feel enough and valued.


I am on a Mission to help people realise the power of self love and self image, so people can easily achieve the true essence of Love, without any self doubt without any long hour meditation. People can master my Inner Self Mastery Program. 

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