A Journey from Inner Conflict to Resolution

(20 Ratings) Write a review

You will learn theory and practice of inner alignment and start benefiting from practice of activities and mindfulness and how to apply it in your day to day life.


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This course is designed for anyone to easily learn powerful exercise to build resources and congruence to achieve both Physical & mental health, energy, efficiency and success.

Course is designed by an expert, who has been practicing NLP personal transformation for almost 07 years and teaching with his own methodology for last 2 years. 

Who this course is for: 
This course is for people who want to achieve their life goals and want to lead a happy healthy and energetic life with complete mental peace & serenity.

Nitin Sharma


<p>Hi I am <b><i>Nitin Sharma</i></b>, NLP Personal Transformation Coach and Life Coach.</p><p>I am working with people to live with passion and to helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfilment and improving their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives . I also help people how to overcome stress, anxiety &amp; depression. Being a master in coach, I teach and train NLP too.&nbsp;</p><p><b>Purpose of becoming coach:</b> I i am willing to help people get awareness, awake the inner power for well being and personal development.<br></p><p><b>My Specialty:&nbsp;</b>I am willing to help the people to live with passion . I am willing to help the society towards wellness and abundance in wealth and prosperity. Often people are facing inner conflict in life , and being stressed by their negative thoughts , I remold the neuroplasticity of your brain to positive stimulation for good health , relationships and career .<br></p><p>I am committed to help the clients: Students, sports person, business man and society towards aware, Health and Wellness.<br></p><div><br></div>

20 Reviews for this course

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Tabeed Jacob - Sep 07, 2023

This course gave me the courage to chase my dreams with renewed vigor. It was incredibly empowering.

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Roma Bhat - Sep 07, 2023

This course was a breath of fresh air; it rejuvenated my spirit and gave me new perspectives.

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Amrit Koshy - Sep 07, 2023

The course content resonated with me on a deep emotional level. It was tailor-made for my personal growth.

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Kalpit Kapur - Sep 07, 2023

I can't express how much joy this course brought into my life; it's a true blessing.

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Ibrahim Sinha - Sep 07, 2023

This course was a beacon of light in my life, guiding me towards self-discovery and personal growth.

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Bagwati Sharaf - Sep 07, 2023

I felt a strong sense of belonging within the course community, fostering a beautiful emotional connection.

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Seema Chaudhry - Sep 07, 2023

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for the emotional growth I've experienced in this course.

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Leela Upadhyay - Sep 07, 2023

I've gained so much more than knowledge from this course; it has enriched my soul.

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Bhairavi Dube - Sep 07, 2023

This course has brought tears of happiness to my eyes.

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Narayan Nath - Sep 07, 2023

This course ignited a passion for learning in me.

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Kim Prabhu - Sep 07, 2023

This course was an emotional rollercoaster, and I loved every moment of it!

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Pushpa Arya - Sep 07, 2023

I experienced moments of sheer joy and enlightenment during this course. It was exhilarating.

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Gowri Dhaliwal - Sep 07, 2023

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for this incredible course.

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Preshita Vora - Sep 07, 2023

This course provided me with the emotional strength and courage to chase my dreams.

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Aishwarya Divan - Sep 07, 2023

I can't believe how much I've learned and grown during this emotional rollercoaster of a course.

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Amolika Sidhu - Sep 07, 2023

I felt a deep sense of accomplishment and fulfillment after completing this course.

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Nishita Prabhu - Sep 07, 2023

This course has reignited my passion for learning, and I'm feeling more inspired than ever.

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Deep Taneja - Sep 07, 2023

My heart swells with pride and accomplishment as I reflect on this course. It's been a remarkable emotional journey.

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Chameli Bandi - Sep 07, 2023

This course was a profound emotional journey that left me feeling enlightened and inspired.

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Vijayent Dad - Sep 07, 2023

This course was a lifeline for my personal development. It rekindled my passion for learning.