Parenting tips to Handle Exam Stress

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Effective Parenting Tips for Parenting to handle Exam Stress. Course Niche Focus: Relationship – Parenting – Exam Stress . Course Language: Hindi

₹ 449 ₹ 4999

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Exams Season’ is the time of the year which is equally stressful for Parents as well as Exam going Students, especially if the kid is going through Board or other Competitive Exams.

As Parents our responsibility to create a Resourceful Positive & Stress-free environment for the student so that the student can give the best performance with a relaxed and empowering mindset.

Usually parents create a strict disciplinary environment during exams, and this effort they tighten the ropes so hard that the student almost starts feeling stressed and is rather aback the best performance. Although, we as parents, do whatever we feel best as parents and as per our best understanding for the best output of our student kid.

Sometimes, this intentional strictness becomes a reason for suffocation, frustration and stress in students adversely affecting the results to subliminal rather than best or maximum possible student output!

This short course will guide Parents about their exact role during the exam times which can help students improve their performance. The environment created by the parents during exams plays a major role during exams and we must adopt the best to reap the best results.

In this course, Parents will learn the ‘Right’ parenting attitude and behaviour to create a positive and empowering environment for kids at home for getting maximum exam output from the student depending on kid’s subjective ability.

The ‘ASMITA’ formula taught in this course will help Parents do the right Parenting & provide a resourceful and positive environment for the students to be their best during the exam season. Even the Best player needs to be in ‘form’ or ‘right state of mind’ for performing in their match!

If you are a Parent who is ‘Really Concerned’ about ‘Improving your kids Exam performance’ this is the course for you… Enroll now without further delay!

We wish All the very Best to you and your Kid Student this Exam Season!

Who is this course for?
All PARENTS having Exam going Kids in home.
Parents of Students undergoing Final Exams, Board Exams or Competitive Exams at present or in near future.
A Good to Learn for all Parents for future applications too.

What you will learn?
How Parents can help themselves and kids handle Exam Stress.
Role of Positive Parenting during Exams.
The importance of Right Mindset as a Parent during Exam Season.
Role of attributes like Awareness, Anger Avoidance, Mindful Motivation, Intention & many more empowering tips to help student perform their best.

What are the requirements or prerequisites for taking your course?
Just an open mind and wish to help Student Kids to perform their best..
Although this course covers all basic information also.
Keep clear in mind "Why have you joined this Course?"
PC/Mobile with Internet
Headphone or Hand-free set
A Pen and Diary to make notes of important information.

Asmita Parmar


<p style="text-align: justify; ">Asmita Parmar is a SOCIAL A WORKER&nbsp; Since 1994, dealing and working with women and children for their social development, health and WELL Being.</p><p style="text-align: justify; ">Mainly in corporates worked for legal rights of women workers at workplace I,e, their health and hygiene. While in NGO worked for SHG’s , social –economic development as well their health awareness for disease like HIV/AIDS too.<br></p><p style="text-align: justify; ">Since 2012, working as a&nbsp; HR head in a private hospital where realized that the role of mental state is very&nbsp; crucial for disease management especially in case of relapse of disease or severity of disease.</p><p style="text-align: justify; ">During covid 19, While probing into real cause of any illness , very interesting area has emerged&nbsp; to realise&nbsp; about the "Psychoneuronimmunity" of the patient where mind-body-congruence is the real factor to be handled to treat the patient effectively.</p><p style="text-align: justify; ">Since 2021, Insight for this congruence has motivated to learn and apply the techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming for counselling and healing of the patient.</p><p style="text-align: justify; ">While experiencing the effectiveness of the NLP techniques, my passion has motivated me to work upon the real ecology of the illness where I realized the “IMPORTANCE OF RELATIONSHIP”.</p><p style="text-align: justify; ">Our emotion and thoughts are being dragged by our relationship and outcome is physical illness.</p><p style="text-align: justify; ">"To treat the illness effectively treat the Relationship with the Significant people of patient "</p>

40 Reviews for this course

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Chhavi Hayer - Sep 07, 2023

I'm filled with gratitude and newfound knowledge as I bid farewell to this course.

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Wafiq Khatri - Sep 07, 2023

This course was like a soothing balm for my soul, providing comfort and enlightenment.

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Baber Dube - Sep 07, 2023

This course has taught me that emotions are a powerful source of motivation and growth when harnessed wisely.

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Abhinav Doctor - Sep 07, 2023

I can't get over how much I've learned; it was a revelation that touched my heart.

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Urmila Boase - Sep 07, 2023

I'm forever changed because of this course. It's been a beautiful and emotionally enriching perspective shift.

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Roma Parsa - Sep 07, 2023

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for the life-changing insights gained from this course.

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Qadim Prashad - Sep 07, 2023

This course made me feel alive and connected to the world in a way I hadn't before.

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Munni Pandit - Sep 07, 2023

I'm on a rollercoaster of emotions – this course is thrilling and enlightening.

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Karim Gola - Sep 07, 2023

I felt an incredible sense of connection to the course material, as if the instructor was speaking directly to my soul.

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Anjana Bhatia - Sep 07, 2023

I'm floating on a cloud of happiness. This course was life-changing!

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Yogesh Sur - Sep 07, 2023

This course was a bridge to self-discovery and personal growth that I'll forever cherish.

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Navami Ramachandran - Sep 07, 2023

I was touched by the instructor's dedication to our emotional growth. It was truly inspiring.

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Arun Randhawa - Sep 07, 2023

The course material resonated with me on a deep emotional level, making it unforgettable.

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Supriya Sachdeva - Sep 07, 2023

I can't get over how much I learned in this course. It was a revelation.

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Jayshree Mane - Sep 07, 2023

This course ignited a passion for learning in me.

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Indira Gandhi - Sep 07, 2023

I'm forever grateful for this course. It opened my eyes to new perspectives and possibilities.

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Leelawati Mammen - Sep 07, 2023

This course was like a comforting lighthouse guiding me through the stormy seas of uncertainty.

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Savita Bhalla - Sep 07, 2023

The instructor's dedication to our emotional growth was inspiring and truly touched my heart.

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Rosey Nadkarni - Sep 07, 2023

mpleting this course filled me with a profound sense of accomplishment and pride.

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Harpreet Bali - Sep 07, 2023

I'm in awe of the transformation I've undergone thanks to this course.

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Aayushman Thakur - Sep 07, 2023

Completing this course brought tears of joy to my eyes. It was an emotional triumph.

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Uma Bansal - Sep 07, 2023

My heart swells with gratitude for the invaluable knowledge gained.

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Smriti Butala - Sep 07, 2023

This course was a gift that kept on giving, sparking joy at every turn.

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Pranab Savant - Sep 07, 2023

This journey was a beautiful emotional rollercoaster ride.

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Rakhi Saran - Sep 07, 2023

The emotional depth of this course was a pleasant surprise, going far beyond my expectations.

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Rosey Gulati - Sep 07, 2023

The course instructor's dedication to our emotional growth was truly inspiring.

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Sai Misra - Sep 07, 2023

The instructor's dedication to our emotional growth was truly inspiring.

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Nayan Kibe - Sep 07, 2023

I felt a strong sense of camaraderie with my fellow students; the emotional support was heartwarming.

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Wafiq Sant - Sep 07, 2023

This course was like a warm embrace during challenging times in my life.

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Kasturi Gala - Sep 07, 2023

This course made me see the world in a new light, and I'm forever changed because of it. It was a beautiful and emotionally enriching perspective shift.

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Zeenat Hari - Sep 07, 2023

This course challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and embrace new experiences. It was an emotional adventure I'll never forget.

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Nancy Biswas - Sep 07, 2023

My heart is overflowing with gratitude for this transformative experience.

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Hrishikesh Ahluwalia - Sep 07, 2023

This course stirred emotions I didn't know I had, awakening a deep sense of curiosity and wonder.

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Anusha Ghose - Sep 07, 2023

This course has opened my eyes to new horizons and ignited a fire in my heart.

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Juhi Krishnamurthy - Sep 07, 2023

The instructor's passion and dedication were contagious, fueling my emotional connection to the subject matter.

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Ruchi Vora - Sep 07, 2023

The emotional connection I formed with the course material was truly special. It made learning a joy.

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Jagat Saraf - Sep 07, 2023

This course reignited my passion for learning and personal growth. It's been truly uplifting.

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Radhika Pandey - Sep 07, 2023

The emotional impact of this course exceeded my expectations. It was so much more than I could have hoped for.

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Vineeta Majumdar - Sep 07, 2023

The emotional depth of this course was astonishing. It challenged me and made me grow in ways I never thought possible.

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Akanksha Chowdhury - Sep 07, 2023

This course made me feel so empowered and confident.